
Ei Compendex includes CSE-operated journal IET-CSR

Edit: Admin Date: 2020-04-22 Visitcount: 1052

The Editorial Board of IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics, an international journal operated by the College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, recently received a notification from Elsevier that the journal has been included by Ei Compendex. The following work will be completed in the next 3 months.

IET Cyber-systems and Robotics is a gold Open Access journal that publishes novel research and original survey articles in the broad areas of cyber-systems and robotics, which emphasizes all kinds of artificial intelligent systems (AIS) enabled by advanced electronics and modern information technologies. The journal provides a forum for multi-disciplinary research of cybernetics and robotics to reflect the most recent evolution of Weiner’s Cybernetics in an information-rich world.


The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Cyber-related topics

・ Autonomous driving vehicles

・ Brain-computer interface (BCI)

・ Cybernetic physics with applications, e.g., quantum control; adaptive optics; active flow control; nano-scale manipulation, etc.

・ Smart metering and pricing

・ Collective behaviours & swarming intelligence

・ Computational & machine intelligence

・ Data science & applications

・ Environment sensing & monitoring

・ Medical signal & image processing

・ Modern cyber-systems in agriculture

Robotics-related topics

・ Autonomous unmanned systems, e.g., aerial robotics, surface vehicles, space borne, etc.

・ Bio-inspired locomotion & robotics

・ Environment perception

・ Robotic learning

・ Industrial & medical robotics

・ Real-time computing for robot control

・ Robotics in challenging environments, e.g., space robotics, nuclear facilities, etc.

・ Environment sensing & monitoring

・ Robotic dynamics & control, navigation & planning

・ Soft materials & robotics

・ Swarming robotics

For more information, please visit

As of now, there are 5 journals of Zhejiang University included by Ei, namely:

・ Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A (Applied Physics & Engineering)

・ Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering

・ IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics

・ 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》

・ 《高校化学工程学报》

Reporter: YU Hongxiang

Editor: WANG Jing

The Chinese orginal was reprinted from

"浙大学术期刊" WeChat Platform

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