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学术报告:Traffic Signal Performance Measurement Using High-Resolution Data: The SMART-SIGNAL System
时间:2011-08-05 来源:综合办 编辑:kzxdw 访问次数:3051

题目:Traffic Signal Performance Measurement Using High-Resolution Data: The SMART-SIGNAL System


报告人:Dr. Henry Liu,  Associate Professor

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Minnesota



How to monitor the performance of urban arterials is a challenging task because operational data from traffic signal systems is neither stored nor analyzed, which prevents proactive management of arterial streets. The development of the SMART-SIGNAL (Systematic Monitoring of Arterial Road Traffic Signals) system fills in this gap. The SMART-SIGNAL system simultaneously collects event-based high-resolution traffic data from multiple intersections and generates real-time arterial performance measures including intersection queue length and arterial travel time. Methodologically, this project provides innovative solutions to two long-standing traffic engineering problems:?1) how to measure intersection queue length when the vehicular queue spills over to the detector location, and 2) how to estimate arterial travel time reliably. The development of the SMART-SIGNAL system has laid the groundwork for better traffic models and control strategies and opens up entirely new opportunities for managing traffic on congested roads.



Dr. Henry Liu is currently an associate professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities. Before joining UMN, he was an assistant professor at UtahStateUniversity and a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin -- Madison in 2000. His research interests are in the area of traffic network monitoring, modelling and control, which includes traffic flow modelling and simulation, traffic signal operations, traffic management under network disruptions, and equilibrium traffic assignment. On these topics, he has published more than 45articles in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Liu is a member of Transportation Network Modelling Committee of Transportation Research Board (TRB) and a member of Traffic Signal Operations Committee of Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He is also on the editorial board for Transportation Research Part C, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, and IET Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal.


时间:  2011810(星期二) 9:30-11:00

地点:  浙江大学玉泉校区工控老楼414

