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学术报告:Systems analysis for sustainable development
时间:2011-11-18 来源:综合办 编辑:qqli 访问次数:1468

系列报告题目:Systems analysis for sustainable development

报告人:Hans Liljenström教授,瑞典农业科学大学(SLU, Sweden


报告时间:20111121 -25日,每天上午1000 - 1140

1. Introduction and problem orientation

2. Modelling principles, different kinds of models

3. General techniques, optimisation

4. Problem solving, carrying out a systems analysis project

5. Modelling and simulating complex systems




Hans Liljenström (born in 1956) received his MSc in engineering physics in 1982 and PhD in theoretical physics in 1987 at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),Stockholm,Sweden. He spent a postdoc period with Prof. John Hopfield at Caltech, 1989-90, developing computational models of the olfactory cortex. In the 1990' he worked as an associate professor in theoretical biophysics at KTH, and is since2001 afull professor in theoretical biology and biophysics at the Dept. of Energy and Technology, SLU,Uppsala,Sweden. Liljenström is also the founding director of Agora for Biosystems, an international research center under the auspices of theRoyalSwedishAcademyof Sciences. His research interests include mathematical modeling of biological systems and processes at the cellular, network, and macroscopic system levels, in particular complex dynamics, including oscillations and chaos, as well as the link between neural and mental processes. His speciality is relating structure, dynamics and function of biological networks.