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控制系学术报告:Plantwide Process Control by Distributed Autonomous Controller Networks �C A Dissipative Systems Approach
时间:2013-06-05 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:2343

主讲人:Prof. Jie Bao
School of Chemical Engineering, The University of New South Wales



This talk will give an overview of an approach to plantwide process control based on the dissipativity theory. Complex process plants increasingly appear in modern chemical industry due to the considerable economic efficiency that complex and interactive process designs can offer. Due to the wide use of material recycles and heat integration, there are severe interactions between process units, which profoundly alter and complicate plantwide process dynamics. In this approach, a plantwide process is explicitly modelled as a network of interconnected process units (with both physical mass and energy flow and information flow) and controlled by a network of autonomous controllers. The dissipativity property of process units, together with the process network topology, is used to analyze the effects of process interactions on plantwide stability and performance. The requirement of control performance and stability for the entire plant is transformed into the objectives and constraints (in terms of dissipativity conditions) for each individual controller. To overcome the conservativeness of the dissipativity based analysis, dynamic supply rates (e.g., in a quadratic differential form) which are functions of not only the input and output but also their derivatives are adopted. This control framework can be applied to develop closed-form controllers and distributed model predictive control.

About Prof. JieBao:
Dr JieBao is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at The University of New South Wales. He obtained his B.E. (1990) and M.E. (1993) degrees in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University, China and a PhD in Chemical Engineering (1998) from The University of Queensland, Australia. From 1998 to 1999, he did his postdoctoral research at University of Alberta, Canada. He was appointed as a Lecturer in The University of New South Wales in 1999 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor.
Prof. JieBao’s research interests include dissipativity theory based process control, networked and distributed control systems, decentralized control and control applications in membrane separation, flow batteries, coal preparation and Aluminium smelting.  He has developed and currently leads the Process Control Research Group in the School of Chemical Engineering, The University of New South Wales. He has been awarded more than 2.9 million Australian dollars competitive research grants, including 6 prestigious Australian Research Council Discovery Projects, one CSIRO National Flagship Research Cluster project and one Australian Coal Research Association Program project and recently a major industrial project on control of Aluminium smelting cells. He has published one monograph on Passivity Process Control (Bao and Lee, Springer 2007), one book chapter on Plantwide Control (Wiley 2012) and more than 65 papers in top international journals in the field of process control and chemical engineering. He was invited by the Australian Research Council (as an Expert of International Standing), the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment New Zealand, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to assess research grant proposals for different funding bodies. He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Process Control (an International Federation of Automatic Control affiliated journal).