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学术报告:Predictable Wireless Networking for Real-Time Sensing and Control(实时传感和控制系统中的可信无线网络)
时间:2014-06-04 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:1773

报告题目: Predictable Wireless Networking for Real-Time Sensing and Control(实时传感和控制系统中的可信无线网络)

报告人: Prof. Hongwei Zhang
Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University

报告时间:6月6日 星期五 下午2:00

Moving beyond open-loop sensing, embedded wireless networks are increasingly being applied to closed-loop, real-time sensing and control (e.g., for next-generation vehicles/transportation, industrial plants, and smart power grids). In supporting mission-critical tasks, closed-loop, real-time sensing and control requires predictable reliability and real-time in wireless networking. Nonetheless, wireless networking is subject to inherent dynamics and uncertainties within the system and the environment.
Within a system, wireless communication assumes complex spatial and temporal dynamics, network topology may constantly change due to node mobility, network traffic pattern may be dynamic due to event-triggered data traffic and time-varying control strategies, and application requirements on networking quality (e.g., reliability, timeliness, and throughput) may also vary over time and across different applications. Moreover, different dynamics may well interact with one another to yield complex behavior. Within the environment, a wide variety of factors affect wireless networking. Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can affect wireless communication, electromechanical equipment can introduce complex environmental noise, moving objects or persons may introduce uncertainties to wireless communication, and malicious attackers may try to jam a network.
For predictable reliability and real-time in wireless networking, it is important to address the aforementioned systems and environmental dynamics. Given the potential resource constraints of embedded wireless networks, the solutions have to be light-weight and efficient too. In this talk, we will review these challenges, and we will discuss in detail how to address co-channel interference and how to enable real-time routing in highly-dynamic settings. We will also discuss how to enable open, collaborative innovation in traditionally-closed, safety-critical sensing and control systems, as a part of our projects in the NSF Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) program.

基于美国自然科学基金(NSF)和工业界(如福特汽车公司、通用汽车公司)的资助与合作,目前他特别关注无线、汽车、传感、控制和嵌入式网络中的建模、算法和系统问题。 作为 NSF CAREER 和 NSF 信息物理系统 (Cyber Physical Systems)科研项目的一部分,一些具体的工作包括研究可实际应用的可靠、实时和安全的无线网络机制;作为 NSFGENI的一部分,他也研究网络传感和控制实验中的理论和系统基础。
他的工作发表在网络、分布式计算、实时系统和可靠性系统领域中顶级的期刊和会议;在2010年,他的文章被选为IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 的 Spotlight Paper和International Conference on Network Protocols 的 Best Paper Candidate。他的文章已被引用超过2147次。他的工作也为许多大型无线网络系统提供了基础性的贡献;这些网络系统包括汽车传感和控制科研网络、WiMAX 科研网络、云计算设施、NetEye试验设施、Kansei试验设施和 DARPA 无限传感器网络结题项目ExScal(包括一个200-结点的 802.11b wireless mesh network 和一个1200-结点的无限传感网络;是当时世界上最大的实际部署的无限传感网络系统)。他也曾获得美国自然科学基金对年轻教授最高的奖励 NSF CAREER Award。他积极参与许多国际会议和杂志的组织和评审工作。