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学术报告:Green and cooperative design for future wireless networks
时间:2014-12-16 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:1845

报告题目:Green and cooperative design for future wireless networks

报告人:Prof. Lingjie Duan
Engineering Systems and Design,Singapore University of Technology and Design

报告时间:12月17日 星期三 下午14:00


Future cellular networks call for a high penetration of renewable energy and it is important to investigate the interplay between energy supply and communication demand. Powered by renewable energy sources, communication networks usually have different available resources and wireless traffic loads over time. To match their traffics, it is beneficial for two neighboring networks to cooperate in resource sharing when one is excessive in one resource (e.g., spectrum), while the other is sufficient in another (e.g., energy). At a system level, we propose a joint energy and spectrum cooperation scheme between different cellular networks to seek for inter-network complementarity and minimize the energy cost. Such a scheme can be realized in both centralized and distributed ways to achieve the Pareto optimality for win-win situation.
Besides the green design for energy-hungry cellular networks, we also investigate the cooperation between low-power WiFi networks with pricing. We will first analytically explain why only the flat-rate pricing is suitable for local WiFi services, and then propose differentiated pricing and revenue sharing to establish global WiFi services.

Prof. Lingjie Duan (http://www.sutd.edu.sg/lingjie.aspx) is an Assistant Professor in Engineering Systems at SUTD. He received PhD in Information Engineering from Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012, and he was a Visiting Scholar at University of California at Berkeley in 2011. Awarded by over US$4 Million grants (e.g., NRF and MINDEF), Prof. Duan currently leads the Network Economics and Optimizations Lab (NEOL) at SUTD by focusing on advanced information systems. He is the Finalist of Hong Kong Young Scientist Award in 2014 and the Awardee of the CUHK Global Scholarship for Research Excellence in 2011. Supported by the MIT-SUTD Postdoctoral Programme, he jointly supervises postdoctoral research fellows with MIT professors since 2014. He has published many highly cited papers in almost all top-tier places in communications and networking (e.g., JSAC, TMC, TSP, TWC, TCOM, and INFOCOM). Besides, he is a TPC Co-Chair of the INFOCOM 2014 Workshop of GCCCN, a Program Co-Chair of the ICCS 2014 Conference about Special Issue on “Economic Theory and Communication Networks”, and a WCS Symposium Co-Chair of IEEE ICCC 2015 Conference.



报告题目:2015 PhD Recruitment Talk


Established in collaboration with MIT, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) plans to do for Singapore what MIT and Stanford have done for Massachusetts and Silicon Valley, as well as for the US and the world �C it will become an intellectual hub and an engine of growth. Headed by Prof. Thomas Magnanti, the former Dean of the School of Engineering at MIT, SUTD builds up top-tier research and education globally. The 2015 SUTD PhD program in Engineering Systems and Design (ESD, http://esd.sutd.edu.sg) aims to produce the next generation of leading engineering systems researchers and thinkers. It provides students with a strong technical foundation and puts an emphasis on inter-disciplinary and collaborative research. ESD faculty are engaged in leading edge research in a wide range of disciplines including optimization, stochastic modeling, game theory, economics, control science, system dynamics, public policy. They are also engaged in important applications including wireless communications and networking, social networks, transportation and logistics, energy and the environment, service systems, economics, and financial engineering. The ESD PhD program welcomes applications to all these areas and provides SUTD President’s Graduate Fellowship (more than RMB15,000 per month without any tuition). Prof. Duan will carefully introduce the program details and the application procedure. All undergraduate and master students are welcome!