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学术报告:Innovation and user experience in the age of Internet of Things
时间:2015-03-12 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:2077

报告题目:Innovation and user experience in the age of Internet of Things


报告人:Dr. Feng Zhao
Assistant Managing Director, Microsoft Research Asia


报告时间:3月13日 星期五 下午14:00



Feng Zhao is an Assistant Managing Director at Microsoft Research Asia, responsible for the hardware, mobile and sensing, software analytics, systems, and networking research areas. His research has focused on wireless sensor networks, energy-efficient computing, and mobile and cloud systems. He has authored or co-authored over 100 technical papers and books, including a book, Wireless Sensor Networks: An information processing approach, by Morgan Kaufmann, and has over 30 US patents issued.

Since joining Microsoft Research Asia in 2009, he and his team have developed mobile and cloud solutions that advanced the state-of-the-art in computing and significantly impacted Microsoft product groups: accurate indoor navigation system, efficient search index serving platform, interactive visual analytics for big data, and software defined radio and networking for data centers.

Prior to joining MSR-Asia, he was a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research Redmond (2004-2009), and founded the Networked Embedded Computing Area. During this time, he led the team to develop the MSR sensor mote, Tiny Web Service, SenseWeb and SensorMap, Data Center Genome, JouleMeter, and GAMPS data compression. With the help of some of these technologies, Microsoft data centers are considered among the most densely instrumented and monitored cloud computing infrastructures in the world.

He was a Principal Scientist at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (Xerox PARC) (1997-2004) and founded PARC’s sensor network effort. He played a key role in PARC’s Smart Matter Project; together with the Ubiquitous Computing Project led by Mark Weiser, these efforts were Xerox PARC’s answer in the 90’s to the sensor and compute rich smart world, and have profoundly influenced the computing field, including the Internet of Things today.

Feng was the founding Editor-In-Chief of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (2003-2010), and founded the ACM/IEEE IPSN conference in 2001. Feng served on ACM SIGBED Executive Committee (2004-2010), as Technical Program Co-Chairs for ACM Sensys’05 and Mobisys’13, and on the Steering Committee for CPSWeek (2007-now). In 2008, he worked with USENIX and ACM to start HotPower, a technical forum focusing on sustainable computing.

Feng received his BS from Shanghai Jiaotong University (1984), and MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT (1988 and 1992, respectively). He taught at Ohio State University as an Assistant and then tenured Associate Professor in Computer Science (1992-1997), and at Stanford University as a Consulting Professor of Computer Science (1999-2006).

He is currently a Professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Science and Technology of China, and Harbin Institute of Technology, and an Affiliate Faculty at University of Washington. He serves on the advisory boards for Information Engineering at Chinese University of Hong Kong and Computer Science and Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

An IEEE Fellow, Feng received a Sloan Research Fellowship (1994) and US NSF and ONR Young Investigator Awards (1994, 1997). His work has been featured in news media such as BBC World News, BusinessWeek, and Technology Review.