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学术报告:Verifiable Privacy-preserving Monitoring for Cloud-assisted mHealth Systems
时间:2015-05-21 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:1491

报告题目:Verifiable Privacy-preserving Monitoring for Cloud-assisted mHealth Systems

报告人:Dr. Linke Guo
Assistant Professor, Binghamton University, State University of New York (SUNY)


报告时间:5月22日 星期五 上午10:00


Widely deployed mHealth systems enable patients to efficiently collect, aggregate, and report their Personal Health Records (PHRs), and then lower the costs and shorten their response time. The increasing needs of PHR monitoring require the involvement of healthcare companies that provide monitoring programs for analyzing PHRs. Unfortunately, healthcare companies are lack of the computation, storage, and communication capability on supporting millions of patients. To tackle this problem, they seek for the help from the cloud. However, delegating monitoring programs to the cloud may incur serious security and privacy breaches because people have to provide their identity information and PHRs to the public domain. Even worse, the cloud may mistakenly return the incorrect computation results, which will put patients' life in jeopardy. This talk will first go through the security and privacy breaches in current eHealth/mHealth systems. Then, the talk will be focusing on the feasible cryptographic solution to the privacy-preserving monitoring scheme for cloud-assisted mHealth systems.


Dr. Linke Guo obtained his Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Florida in 2014 and 2011, respectively. He received his B.E. in Electronic and Information Science and Technology from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 2008. He was a member in Wireless Networks Laboratory (WINET) at University of Florida. He has been serving as the co-chair of Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation Symposium, ICNC 2016, and regular TPC member of many conferences, including INFOCOM, Globecom, ICC, WCNC, ICCC, etc. He is also currently serving as the system administrator of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He is a member of IEEE and ACM.