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伦敦大学骆志远博士学术报告:Large-scale Compound Activity Prediction
时间:2015-12-08 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:1948

报告题目: Large-scale Compound Activity Prediction
报告时间:12月10日(星期四)上午 10:00

In this talk, I will discuss an on-going European Union funded multi-million pound project. The main objective of the project is to develop machine learning algorithms and implementations to enable the use of upcoming exascale supercomputers to solve very large scale complex machine learning problems. Machine learning is the discovery of useful information and building of predictive models from empirical data. The driving use-case is the prediction of small molecule compound activity in biological assays in pharmaceutical research.  The basic ideas of conformal predictors and initial experimental results will be presented.

Brief Biography:
骆志远博士,英国Heriot-Watt大学博士,伦敦大学Queen Mary 学院博士后,现任伦敦大学Royal Holloway学院计算机系高级讲师。曾任英国大东电报局网络模型顾问,不仅在学术界,在工业界有着丰富研究开发经历,作为首席科学家承担过英国皇家学会、欧共体、英国兽医实验局环境食品和农村事物部、英国工程和物理科学研究委员会和英国医学研究委员会多个重大科学研究项目,近五年来承担科研项目总经费超过56万英镑(合560人民币万元),发表论文60余篇,2006和2008年两次分别获得电器和电子工程学会颗粒计算国际大会(IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing)和第九届智能数据工程和自动学习国际大会(9th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning)最佳论文奖。