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明尼苏达大学 Georgios B. Giannakis 教授学术报告
时间:2015-12-22 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:1730

Talk I: Adaptive Sketching and Validation for Learning from Large-Scale Data

Talk II: Monitoring and Learning Algorithms for Future Power Networks


报告人:Prof. Georgios B. Giannakis
        Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota

时间: 12月24日 星期四 下午 16:00 (Talk I)    12月25日 星期五 上午 10:00 (Talk II)



Georgios B. Giannakis received his Diploma in Electrical Eng. from the Ntl. Tech. Univ. of Athens, Greece, 1981. From 1982 to 1986 he was with USC, where he received his MSc. in EE, 1983, MSc. in Mathematics, 1986, and Ph.D. in EE, 1986. Since 1999 he has been a professor with the UMN, where he now holds an ADC Chair in Wireless Telecommunications in the ECE Department, and serves as director of the Digital Technology Center. His general interests span the areas of communications, networking and statistical signal processing �C subjects on which he has published more than 380 journal papers, 650 conference papers, 20 book chapters, two edited books and two research monographs (h-index 115). Current research focuses on big data analytics, wireless cognitive radios, network science with applications to social, brain, and power networks with renewables. He is the (co-) inventor of 22 patents issued, and the (co-) recipient of 8 best paper awards from the IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Societies, including the G. Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications. He also received Technical Achievement Awards from the SP Society (2000), from EURASIP (2005), a Young Faculty Teaching Award, the G. W. Taylor Award for Distinguished Research from the UMN, and the IEEE Fourier Technical Field Award (2015). He is a Fellow of IEEE and EURASIP, and has served the IEEE in a number of posts including that of a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE-SP Society.