时间:2016-04-19 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:1975
报告人:Prof. Rafiqul Gani
PSE for SPEED, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
报告时间:2016年4月22日 周五 上午 10:30-11:30
报告地点: 玉泉校区工控新楼 211
The design, development and reliability of a chemical product and the process to manufacture it, need to be consistent with the end-use characteristics of the desired product. The advantages of the use of a model-based framework are that the knowledge of the applied phenomena together with the product-process design details can be provided with diverse degrees of abstractions and details. This would allow the experimental resources to be employed for validation and fine-tuning of the solutions from the model-based framework, thereby, removing the need for trial and error experimental steps. Also, questions related to economic feasibility, operability and sustainability, among others, can be considered in the early stages of design.
The presentation will review the current state of the art in models and modelling tools suitable for chemical product-process design and point out the gaps that need to be filled out with respect to model-based frameworks for chemical product-process design. Illustrative examples highlighting the need for efficient model-based systems will be presented, where the need for predictive models for innovative chemical product-process design will be highlighted. The examples will cover aspects of chemical product-process design where the idea of the grand chemical product design model, that also incorporates the process design issues together with sustainability issues will be presented.
Rafiqul Gani is professor of systems design at the Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, The Technical University of Denmark and the former head and co-founder of the Computer Aided Process Engineering Center (CAPEC). Professor Gani is the former editor-in-chief of the Computers and Chemical Engineering journal (2009-2015), editor for the Elsevier CACE book series. Professor Gani has been awarded three Doctor Honoris Causa degrees from University Politehnica Bucharest, University of Pannonia and Babes-Bolyai University. Professor Gani is the president of the EFCE (European Federation of Chemical Engineering); a Fellow of the AIChE and also a Fellow of IChemE. He was awarded the AIChE (CAST Division) Computers in Chemical Engineering 2015 award in November 2015. Currently he leads a special project called PSE for SPEED (Sustainable Product Process Engineering, Evaluation and Design).