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巴黎高科矿业学校Pierre Rouchon 教授短期课程:An Introduction to Modeling and Control of Open Quantum Systems
时间:2016-04-27 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:1914

Short Course on: An Introduction to Modeling and Control of  Open Quantum Systems

Time: From May 30 to June 3, 2016
Classroom: Lecture Room 223, Institute of Cyber-Systems & Control, Zhejiang University


Contact: Dr. Chao Xu, Email: cxu@zju.edu.cn; WeChat: 53295319 


Pierre Rouchon, Centre Automatique et Systèmes, Mines-ParisTech, PSL Research University

Quantum control is an emerging research subject with an increasing role in technologies related to high precision metrology, quantum information and communication. Its development requires to reconsider how measurement, control, and interactions fundamentally affect a system --- in particular, the intrinsic invasive character of measurements. This course  presents some modern tools for controlling quantum systems, i.e.~steering a system to a quantum state and stabilizing it against decoherence (dissipation of quantum information through the coupling of the system to its uncontrolled environment). These tools will be illustrated by recent feedback experiments in cavity and circuit quantum electrodynamics.

The context throughout is that of systems of ordinary and stochastic differential equations. The level will be that of a graduate course intended for a general control audience without any prerequisites in quantum mechanics. The lectures consider  the following topics:

  • Introduction to quantum mechanics based on the two-level system (quantum bit) and the harmonic oscillator.May 30

  • Dynamical models: Markov chains, Kraus maps, quantum stochastic master equations and Lindblad differential equations. May 31 

  • Stabilization scheme relying on measurement-based feedback and Lyapunov techniques. June 1

  • Stabilization scheme relying on dissipation engineering and coherent feedback. June 2