时间:2016-06-03 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:2587
报告人:Dr. Sencun Zhu
Dept. of Computer Scienceand Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
时间: 6月10日 星期五 下午 14:00
朱森存博士是The Pennsylvania State University(PSU)计算机科学与工程系副教 授。他于1996年获得清华大学学士学位,1999年获得中国科学技术大学硕士学位, 2004年于George Mason大学获博士学位。他于2004年成为PSU助理教授,并于2010 年获得终身教职。朱博士从事计算机网络与系统安全领域的研究工作,特别是早期 在传感器网络安全领域做了很多的工作。他迄今已在国际学术刊物和学术会议上发 表论文超过100篇,他的论文被国际同行引用总共超过7000多次。另外,他于2007年 获得美国国家科学基金会的CAREER Award, 2013年获得Google Faculty Research Award。他担任过包括IEEE Securty&Privacy, ACM CCS, ACM WiSec, ICDCS, INFOCOM, NDSS等国际知名会议的程序委员会委员。目前,朱博士的主要研究方 向包括无线网络安全、软件安全与保护, 智能手机安全和隐私等。
Most users do not understand the privacy risks when installing apps from markets; hence, they grant all permissions required by the apps of their interest. Many malicious apps take advantage of such user-side vulnerabilities and steal users’ sensitive information secretly and aggressively. While much research has been done in the past years to analyze apps’ risky behavior, enforce stricter or finer access control policies on the devices, or increase users’ awareness, none of them seems to have been adopted by Android and the risky situation remains. In this talk, we will first discuss the limitations of these approaches as well as the barriers for adopting them, and then propose a framework for automatic and user-transparent Android app privacy. Preliminary results and some future research directions will also be presented.