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浙江工业大学陈伟锋教授学术报告:Simultaneous Approach for Kinetic Parameter Estimation Based on Spectroscopic Measurements
时间:2016-07-08 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:3805

题目:Simultaneous Approach for Kinetic Parameter Estimation Based on Spectroscopic Measurements 

报告人:陈伟锋 副教授

     浙江工业大学 信息工程学院自动化系


时间: 2016年7月9日  上午 9:00-10:30

地点:  浙江大学玉泉校区工控新楼105会议室



Parameter estimation of reaction kinetics from spectroscopic data remains an important and challenging problem. This study describes a unified framework to address this challenge. The presented framework is based on maximum likelihood principles, non-linear optimization techniques and the use of collocation methods to solve the differential equations involved. To solve the overall parameter estimation problem, an iterative optimization-based procedure is developed firstly to estimate the variances of the noise in system variables (e.g. concentrations) and spectral measurements. Once these variances are estimated, then the concentration profiles and kinetic parameters are determined simultaneously. From the properties of the nonlinear programming (NLP) solver and solution sensitivity, the covariance matrix and standard deviations for the estimated kinetic parameters are also obtained. The proposed approach is demonstrated on some case studies. Moreover, the numerical results compare well with the MCR-ALS approach.



陈伟锋于2011年获浙江大学控制科学与工程学博士学位,现为浙江工业大学信息工程学院自动化系副教授、硕导,主要从事复杂系统优 化、控制及动态优化理论与方法研究,承担国家自然科学基金等项目3项,发表论文20余篇,授权发明专利4项。