时间:2016-09-20 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:1699
授课教授:Stevan Dubljevic/倪东
时 间:2016秋学期,每周一上午3-4节课
地 点:教4-305面向对象:研究生 授课语言:英语
学 分:1
Course Description
Stevan S. Dubljevic is an Associate professor at the Chemical and Materials Engineering Department at the University of Alberta. He received his Ph.D. in 2005 from the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science at University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), M.S. degree (2001) from the Texas A&M University (Texas), and the B.Sc. degree (1997) from the Belgrade University (Serbia). He held independent post-doctoral researcher position at the Cardiology Division of the UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine (2006-2009). He is the recipient of the American Heart Association (AHA) Western States Affliate Post-doctoral Grant Award (2007-2009) and the recipient of the O. Hugo Schuck Award for Applications, from American Automatic Control Council (AACC) 2007. His research interests include systems engineering, with the emphasis on model predictive control of distributed parameter systems, dynamics and optimization of material and chemical process operations, computational modelling and simulation of biological systems (cardiac electrophysiological systems) and biomedical engineering.
Course Description
Advanced Process Control is concerned with the study of Distributed Parameter Systems (DPS). Distributed parameter systems are distinguished by the fact that the states, controls, and outputs may depend on spatial position. Therefore, the natural model setting of system model is given by the partial differential equations, integral equations or transcedental transfer functions. The current advances in computation and software realizations provide a useful tool to address modelling, monitoring and regulation of distributed parameter systems. This course will include a coverage of the basic fundamentals and it will introduce principles and tools for modelling, design and analysis of DPS systems. Lectures will be accompanied by illustrative examples and subsequent problem exercises for homework. The main software platform for this course that can be used is MATLAB.