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加拿大皇后大学Dr. Xiang Li学术报告:Global Optimization and Its Application in Natural Gas Network Design and Operation
时间:2017-08-02 来源:综合办 编辑:zhbgs 访问次数:1800

报告题目:Global Optimization and Its Application in Natural Gas Network Design and Operation

报告人:Dr. Xiang Li

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada


报告时间: 2017年8月4日 上午10:30-11:30

                     2017年8月7日 上午10:30-11:30




Nonconvex nonlinear optimization and mixed-integer nonlinearoptimization problems arise from all decision-making stages in process systems engineering (PSE). Traditional gradient based methods usually cannot locate a global optimal solution for nonconvex problems, sometimes even fail to generate a feasible solution. Therefore, global optimization methods, which can find a solution with guaranteed global optimality, have been studied intensively in the PSE community over the last thirty years. These efforts have led to significant advances in global optimization theories, powerful global optimization software, and a wide range of successful applications. This seminar series comprise two one-hour presentations. The first presentation introduces the principles of global optimization, including branch-and-bound based global optimization strategy, convex relaxation concepts and McCormick convex relaxation method, and decomposition based global optimization strategy. The second presentation discusses the application of decomposition based global optimization to integrated design and operation of natural gas production networks under uncertainty, including analysis of the problem structure, reformulation for a better problem structure, and development of new solution methods that can exploit the problem structure.



Dr. Xiang Li is an associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Queen’s University, in Kingston, Canada. He received bachelor’s degree in Industrial Automation in 2000, master’s degree in Systems Engineering in 2003, both from Zhejiang University, and Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering in 2009 from McMaster University. He was a postdoctoral associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 2009 to 2011, working on optimization of energy systems under uncertainty. His current research interests include supply chain management, planning and scheduling, energy systems engineering, stochastic programming, global optimization, and model predictive control. He is a recipient of discovery grant with early career researcher supplement, from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. He is also the vice chair of Systems and Control Division, Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering.